Fold&Slide hard­ware


GU Fold&Slide hard­ware is available for all cust­omary timber, PVC and aluminium pro­files, and also for timber-aluminium compound ele­ments. For each sash con­figu­ra­tion pattern you have the possbility to connect up to seven sashes and open them with one hand. Barrier-free connec­tions to the floor complete the pro­duct range.

Fold&Slide hard­ware from Gretsch­-Unitas reveals solu­tions that combine countless bene­fits. As higher sash weights are per­mitted, fewer individual ele­ments are required which gua­ran­tees maximum ope­ning widths. The larger glass areas allow day­light to flood into the room thus crea­ting an exclusive living atmos­phere.

The sashes are preci­sely and quietly guided by ball-bea­ring supported, plastic-coated rolls in the roller track at the bottom and in the guide track at the top. This allows large and heavy Fold&Slide sashes to be moved safely and effortlessly.

You can request a calcula­tion pro­gramme for the fast determi­na­tion of sash widths for every individual pro­file.

In conjunc­tion with the GU system thres­hold, Fold&Slide hard­ware from Gretsch­-Unitas is sui­table for barrier-free con­struc­tion in accor­dance with DIN 18040.

Technical data


Hard­ware ver­sion

Sash rebate width [mm]

Sash rebate height [mm]

Sash weight [kg]



500 – 1000

851 – 2350


3 to 7 sashes


500 – 1000*

851 – 2350*


3 to 7 sashes*


500 – 1000*

851 – 2350*


3 to 7 sashes*

* Depending on the pro­file system, the pro­file manu­facturer's speci­fica­tions may vary.

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